Preventative Home Maintenance: How to Make Your Property Last

home cleaning

Just like humans need regular health check-ups to stay fit, a preventative home maintenance schedule is essential for the upkeep of your house. Regularly checking the cooling and heating system, electrical appliances, exterior, plumbing, and security will not only prevent a breakdown but will also save you money in the future while keeping your house in tip-top condition. Here are five preventative home maintenance tips that can help you save thousands of dollars.


1. Clean the Gutters

Downspouts and gutters have one job – to direct melting snow and rain away from your house in order to prevent water infiltration. Clogged gutters can lead to major issues like roof damage, leaks, and in-house floods. Thus, walk around your gutter and look for signs of obstructions like leaves, rocks, and pieces of wood. If found, carefully remove them from the site.


2. Check the Security and Fire Alert Devices

From a house fire to a destructive thunderstorm, all kinds of disasters are unpredictable. As a property owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your house is well-equipped to face a catastrophic event or emergency. While conducting a thorough preventative home maintenance test, the fire alarm and security system to ensure that they function properly. Replace the batteries if required.


3. Inspect the Major Home Systems

If you are someone who believes that the heating and cooling system don’t require monthly cleaning, you are not alone. While there is no hard and fast rule to hire cleaning professionals for the service of the largest systems in your house, an important preventative home maintenance tip is to inspect them for potential problems every once in a while.

For example, during the winter months, pay close attention to the HVAC system. Change the dirty filters to improve the air quality. Moreover, as soon as autumn arrives, winterize the water systems and seal the outdoor faucets.


4. Look at the Plumbing

Inspecting the plumbing should be an important part of your preventative home maintenance checklist. Visually inspect the plumbing system for signs of leaks and malfunction. Look for things like crimping or cracking plastic, discoloration on pipes, rust-like build-up, deposits, and frayed metal. In case of any of these issues, replace the damaged component of the plumbing system.

Bonus Tip: If you have slow-running drains, clean them to prevent a water backup.


5. Maintain the Kitchen and Electrical Appliances

The kitchen is one of the most used spaces in a house. Cooking experiments and spilled oil and food can do a lot of damage to the countertops and floor of the kitchen. On a monthly basis, take out the time to wipe the floor, walls, and cabinets of the kitchen and remove the expired items from the pantry. Don’t forget to clean the dishwasher and check the refrigerator for signs of wear and tear or leakage.


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